PPG: Meeting Minutes 8th September 2022



Name Organisation/Representative Initials
Sheila Pitt PPG Chair BP
Breda Pooke PPG Vice Chair SP
Brian White PPG Member BW
Theresa Houghton PPG Member TH
Margaret Coombs PPG Member MC
Don Bay PPG Member DB
Ann Bay PPG Member AB
Neville Hudson PPG Member/Birchington Parish Council DB
Frances Westerman PPG Member FW
Liz Carlton PPG Member LC
Lizzy Davidson PPG Member LD
Andrew Walsh BMC Clinical Pharmacist/Lead AW
Karen Wilshaw BMC Clinical Lead/Lead Nurse KW

Agenda Items


  • SP welcomed attendees and introduced new members.


  • Evelyn Tanner (ET), Tracy Moon (TM), Katy James (KJ), Dan O’Connell (DO).

Minutes of Previous Meeting and Update, and Matters Arising

  • The minutes from the meeting held on the 7th July were a true reflection, providing the date and venue were updated.

Item deferred from 7th July – Q&A feedback

  • There has been two meetings of the Quality and Assurance group. Very few issues have arisen. The number of complaints has dropped considerably and all complaints have currently been dealt with in policy timelines. No serious incidents and only 1 safeguarding issue, which has been dealt with.
  • Family and friends feedback has improved again to 91%. This was questioned as to how many people respond and whether everyone who has an appointment is sent the questionnaire. DO to provide further information please as members feel that there is a risk this could be 91% of a very small number, which could be misleading.
  • Action : DO

BMC Updates


  • Advertisement for reception hours is closed. Nursing vacancy has been filled with experienced Band 6. The successful candidate has to give 2 months notice, so will not be fully functional in practiceyet. The Advanced Clinical Practitioner(30 hours) post has been filled to start in October , helping with on the day demand and palliative care.
  • GP advert continues , now a local incentivisation scheme in place to encourage GPs to Thanet


  • One of the Drs is away from the practice, undertaking training to supervise Dr trainees, so that BMC may become a recognised training practice in the future.
  • Receptionists continue training. September PLT will be on telephone audit with SP/BP

Flu vaccination update

  • Clinics will be held at the practice on 1st, 15th and possibly 29th October
  • Any volunteers would be gratefully accepted for each of these dates, please contact us if you can do any hours to help – if you haven’t already let SP know

Covid update

  • Boosters will be at the hub, by appointment only. Wait for invitation then book.

Patient Survey

  • Patient Survey · SP explained the PPG has been asked to run a patient survey. The group went through question by question and amended various elements. All signed off. Will be run throughout October with 31/10/22 being final date.


Work plan

  • Revised version presented to PPG. Agreed to merge items 3a and 3b to ease any pressure on practice staff. All PPG members are invited to education sessions where they may learn more about each role within the practice
  • End of life care stream to now be reinstated as staff are available to work with SP


Education sessions

  • The 2 sessions so far (Medication and Diabetes ) have been well received by patients, although numbers are low at the moment. Further reminders need to be made at appropriate times. The next session will be respiratory services on Thursday 6 October

Public Health Collaboration

  • LD gave a short introduction to this charity that aims to work with practices and patients around health living choices. KW suggested that LD gice presentation to clinical leads group as all clinicians would need to agree on this.
  • Dates of future meetings:, 8th September, 10th November 1530-1700hrs.

Any Other Business

  • KW asked group their views on self-check in screens. Agreed way forward
  • BP suggested that meetings be extended to 2 hours from now on as business gets rushed and it is better to have proper discussion. Group agreed.
  • Meeting closed at 5.20

Date of Next Meeting

  • 10 November 2022. 3pm Conference room BMC – Please note change of time.
  • 12 January 2023
  • 9 March 2023